These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

BYU Tuition Estimator VBA Program

BYU Tuition Estimator

By Bryce Palmer

I am a Masters of Information Systems Student at BYU. I found that there was not efficient and intuitive way to run estimated calculations of how much tuition I would be paying at the end of the semester or term. Because of this issue, I decide to use my skills that I learned in Dr. Gove Allen’s VBA Class to build a program to complete this simple task for me.

My VBA solution is composed of an Excel UserForm that accepts 4 inputs from the user and determines the estimated tuition. The tuition charges are updated yearly by BYU and are posted online similar to this page. I have created an Excel Module to download these tables of data and extract the rates to make the calculations. After the user submits their estimated credit hours and other inputs the program will calculate the estimated tuition and display that on the UserForm.

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