These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Isaac Lomeli - Contagious - Company Contact Organizer

Contagious is a firm that does YouTube marketing for its customers. Customers come to Contagious with a YouTube video they want to go viral and pay Contagious for marketing assistance. When marketing a new YouTube video, Contagious has its employees reach out to numerous contacts. Contagious needs a way to pull contacts held in various excel workbooks into one location and organize those contacts by those needing to be contacted most urgently to those needing to be contacted least urgently. I have developed an application that does precisely that while offering Contagious flexibility throughout organizing process.

With VBA I have created a workbook called Contact_Organizer that pulls all the contacts from other workbooks located in the same folder and displays those contacts in a user form. With the user form displayed, employees can then mark the various contacts with an urgency level of low, medium, or high. Once companies have been given urgency levels, a user can press a button captioned “Make Workbook”. Once this button is clicked, a new Workbook is created with all the selected companies organized into three worksheets titled “High”, “Medium”, and “Low”.

No assistance other than a brief session with Doctor Allen was given in the development of this application. Many lessons were learned throughout the process. Those lessons, along with a deeper dive into the solution developed are discussed in final report for this application.

Link to project - 

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