These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

AMEX to Certiflex

Business Description
The accounting firm that this project was created for has many clients that need book keeping work done for them. The firm uses CertiflexDimensions (Certiflex) as their accounting software. Client journal entries can be uploaded from Excel into Certiflex if formatted correctly. The firm will often need to create these journal entries from bank statements and credit card statements.

Business Issue
Employees at the firm will copy client credit card information onto Excel and associate each entry with a Certiflex account. This is a very tedious and time-consuming process for employees, as client’s card information may easily consist of thousands of entries a month. As employees enter information, they will make errors that go unnoticed and are hard to find.

I decided to automate this process as much as I could in order to save the company time/money as well as make the data entry process as error-free as possible. This project is split into four parts:
                (1) displaying instructions for the user to follow;
                (2) importing the data from AMEX online using the client’s username and password;
                (3) reformatting the data, matching a Certiflex account number with each entry, and presenting a quality review interface where the user can easily check that the program matched the correct account with each entry make any necessary changes; and
                (4) formatting the data for Certiflex upload.

As most of the clients use American Express (AMEX) cards for business I decided to start with a macro for AMEX cards. This project has the capacity to expand into more uses and pull card information from other card companies. 

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